quinta-feira, setembro 02, 2010

Epica - Consign to Oblivion (2005)

Consign to Oblivion (2005)
01 Hunab K'u (A New Age Dawns, Prologue)
02 Dance of Fate
03 The Last Crusade (A New Age Dawns, Part I)
04 Solitary Ground
05 Blank Infinity
06 Force of the Shore
07 Quietus
08 Mother of Light (A New Age Dawns, Part II)
09 Trois Vierges (feat Roy Khan of Kamelot)
10 Another Me "In Lack'ech"
11 Consign to Oblivion (A New Age Dawns, Part III)

@192 kbps
Faixa - Faixa

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Marilyn's Jukebox: Epica - Consign to Oblivion (2005) - 2010 Original Theme by Difluir | Modified by Marilyn